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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Celebrate a relaxing World Book Day

As you may already know tomorrow, Thursday, 4th March, is World Book Day. We want to celebrate the love of reading and how these can help with your well-being.


So why not take some time to relax today and maybe have a pyjama day..... sit back and relax with a cup of hot chocolate and indulge in reading your favourite book. 


We would love to hear about your favourite book so why not upload a video of you reading a page from your favourite book, or tell us about your favourite character in a book on to Seesaw/Tapestry?


Ms Rogers bought each class some wonderful books which we would like to share with you.


The first one is called "I am, I can" and it has a positive message for every day of the year. The affirmation for the 4th March is "I am connected to nature" so why not use this to either read a book about our wonderful world or read about someone who takes care of our world like David Attenborough or Greta Thunberg. You could even take this as an opportunity to reconnect with nature by going for a walk; try to notice something new that is sprouting in Spring.


The second book is all about Calm - and it is all about mindfulness, I thought I would share with you how to do some relaxing "Rainbow Breathing".


Stand with your shoulders relaxed, with your arms by your side. 

As you breathe in raise your arms, so they are next to your ears - pointing to the sky.

As you breathe out, let your hands float down - keeping them straight and imagine you are drawing a rainbow above your head.


We hope you have a lovely relaxing, world book day!