Darrell Wakelam - Artist Zoom with Year 5 and Year 6
On Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 had an exciting opportunity to attend an artist Zoom with 3D artist Darrell Wakelam. We were able to speak with Darrell about his inspiring sculptures, which are made from everyday recycled materials such as cardboard tubes, paper plates, milk bottles and cardboard boxes. He then took the time to show us some of his completed pieces of artwork - we were in awe of his intricate dinosaur that was made entirely of cardboard. Have a look at his website to see some of these pieces of work www.darrellwakelam.com.
We then followed along with Darrell as he made a 3D snowman using just cardboard and masking tape. We used recycled cereal boxes for our own ones. We then learnt tips on how to use tissue paper and PVA glue to paint a background - this took a lot of patience.
We were so impressed with the children's attitude to tackling a new form of creating 3D art. Have a look at the pictures to see our Winter creations.