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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Fire Service visit Year 2

Year 2 had a great day learning about fire and road safety. Hampshire Fire Service visited Great Binfields and brought along their special fire engine so we were able to learn about the job of a firefighter and how to keep safe. The day started with a special class assembly where we were taught 2 rhymes...ask your children to teach these to you! The firefighters showed us the special equipment they have to wear in order to keep themselves safe. Can you remember the names of the different equipment? The firefighters also reminded us that if we were ever in a fire then make lots of noise so they know where to find us; Year 2 were able to practice this very well!


During the day we played a game, answering questions about both fire and road safety, listened to a story and even went outside to practice putting a fire out!


Year 2 learnt some very important facts about being safe. Here are just a few:

1. Test your smoke alarms once a week.

2. Make sure adults keep matches and lighters out of children's reach.

3. Stop, look and listen when crossing the road and use a crossing if there is one available. 

4. When riding a bike it's really important to wear a helmet (however young or old!).... we can always replace a damaged helmet but cannot replace your head!


What other facts did you learn today? Have a chat with the children to find out more.