Hazel Class Night in the Museum
Hazel Class have had a fab day on our Night in the Museum trip! We had a fun and noisy journey down to Chichester, and despite the drizzle our spirits remained high the WHOLE way around the open air Weald and Downland Museum. We even got to see a Blacksmith in action, right next to the filming of The Repair Shop!
We enjoyed our well earned McDonalds before making our way to the Novium Museum in Chichester centre. We went on a torch lit hunt for Stone Age artefacts around the museum and then worked in teams to create a cardboard mammoth. We are now getting ready for a snack, bedtime story and settling down for the night. We are definitely ready for our camp beds!
The children have been absolutely fantastic, showing all the school values and making the adults on the trip super proud. Have a look at some of the photos from the day.