Year 5 and 6 Costello Science Visit!
To round off Science Week, Year 5 and 6 had the pleasure of hosting a group of passionate Costello students who have been researching the effects of plastic as part of a GCSE project. This linked beautifully to our focus this week, where we have been asking the question: ‘Can Ocean pollution be eradicated?’ The presentation involved both shocking facts and helpful hints about how we can make a change for the better when it comes to how much single use plastic we use in our everyday lives. Our wonderful guests reassured the children that it would be almost impossible in today’s society to completely eliminate our need for plastic; however they encouraged us to think about the simple, more achievable changes that we can make to try to ensure the problem doesn’t continue to grow. These included: using metal or paper straws, using reusable shopping bags and investing in a hardwearing water bottle that will last much longer and even save money.
The children were inspired by our guest’s confidence and passion to deliver a presentation that had been fuelled by their own choices in their learning. For our Year 6’s, it was a lovely insight into what Secondary School life may look like.
Thank you to our wonderful guests, in particular Maisie Williams for proposing the visit, for delivering such a powerful presentation about a global issue.