Year 6 Bikeability Week
What a start to the new half term we’ve had! This week, Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a series of Road Safety proficiency sessions delivered by the Hampshire Bikeability team. We were blessed with good weather as it remained dry all week which meant that the children were able to maximise their time cycling on the road. All children were incredibly polite and respectful to the Bikeability staff and they were impressed with how well the children listened to instructions.
At the beginning of the week, the children learned about some of the essential checks necessary to ensuring their bike was safe before setting off on their journey, including the ABC check – air, breaks and chain. Following on from this, the children learned how to signal, how to perform a U-turn in the road and how to safely exit a junction using the 'Look, Block, Signal' strategy amongst other road safety skills. The children were incredibly sensible and were able to follow clear instructions before practising the manoeuvres themselves. The children will bring home their road cycling proficiency certificate tomorrow and be able to explain all of the different elements that they learned this week.
Everyone demonstrated excellent perseverance and we feel really proud of how confident the children have become when cycling on the road.
Here are a few quotes from the children:
"Bikeability week was really good fun. I learnt lots about the different road signs and now feel proud that I can cycle confidently on the road.” Chloe H
"This week has taught me how to cycle confidently on the road and I now understand how to keep myself safe on the road. It was great fun!” Blake H
"The instructors were really clear when helping us to learn about different road manoeuvres. They never made it boring and were really friendly." Leonardo C
Take a look at our pictures to see how much fun we had during our Bikeability sessions.