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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

T'was the Night Before Christmas

A group of our children from EYFS through to year 6 went to the theatre on Sunday morning to see a magical performance of T'was the Night Before Christmas. The children and adults loved it and it was just so lovely to sit and watch the children enjoy it so much. For some of the children, they hadn't been to a theatre before so it was a lovely new experience for them.

I would like to thank the staff (Thank you Miss Hanafin, Miss Lemar and Miss Finnimore) who gave up their Sunday morning to supervise the children..... and a special thank you to Miss Finnimore who organised the whole event. She even brought the children some treats to have whilst they watched the performance - that was a lovely touch.

It was such a success that we will be organising another theatre visit for 2017. Our staff team have already said that they will be willing to go too. So watch this space!