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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever


The link below takes you to lots of resources on our website which think about your well being and mental health. It is also cross references with our PSHE/Jigsaw curriculum as the concepts are closely related. 

Making things better for yourself

This is a wellbeing programme for you and for your family/friends
Something to keep them well from the inside out, something to sustain them through tough times.


Click on the link below to find out more and feel free to share the link, or this email, with anyone you know who would be interested. The complete programme is f*r*e*e for anyone interested. It has been created by our school's wonderful leadership coach, Maureen Bowes who has also led work for our whole school community on self-compassion a couple of years back. 
Making things better - for myself

5 Ways to Great Wellbeing

Research tells us these five simple ways can make a big difference to our happiness and help build our confidence and resilience.

It’s a bit like the well-being equivalent to ‘five fruit and vegetables a day’. Go on, try and build these simple actions into everyday life!

1 Connect

• Take time to talk about feelings and listen

• Talk about your day at mealtimes with your family

• Find activities you can enjoy together as a family

• Encourage yourself to see friends outside of school rather than by phone or online

2 Be active

• Go for a walk, run, skip, cycle, swim, dance – whatever you enjoy, indoors or outdoors

• Find a local group sport or activity you can join

• Exercise is a mood booster and a great way to feel good

3 Take notice 

 • Go to a park, woodland, the seaside or even a different part of Basingstoke so you can enjoy different environments in our diverse town.

• Notice how you are feeling and how you can process your emotions in a positive way

4 Keep learning

• Learning isn’t just for school. Read read ‘just for fun’

• Get your parents/carers to pass on skills like cooking, sewing, model making, photography and DIY so you learn some valuable life skills

5    Give

• Be kind, share and show interest in others

• Do something nice for a friend, family member or charity

5 top tips to get our children thinking positively

Six Practical Solutions To Assist Children To Avoid Having Mental Health Issues

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is actually a perfectly normal human state – and despite its presence in the headlines as a major player in the mental ill-health of many people – it actually has its uses!

At moderate levels of anxiety, a person’s performance and attention to detail can improve. However, it becomes a problem when the feelings become more intense, last for a long time and begin to negatively impact on how well you can do things, your enjoyment of things and family life.

In general, stress and fear are seen as responses to specific, external factors, whereas anxiety is often internal and is usually concerned with what could or might happen. If you feel that your child is constantly anxious and doesn’t seem to improve with your support, it’s important to make an appointment to see your GP. However, there are some things you can do to support your child and this booklet goes through some of them.

A copy of the booklet be found by clicking on the click below: