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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Farm Visit for Years 1 and 2

On Thursday 13th November Miller’s Ark Farm came to visit Years 1 and 2. This was linked to our current topic, Foods, Farms and Festivals. We met the farmers who told us about being quiet and sensible around the animals before we were taken around each pen. At each stop the farmers told us some information about the animals. We found out about pigs, goats, sheep, ducks and hens to name but a few! The farmers asked us questions about what types of food or resources we got from each animal (which we were pretty good at answering!) Did you know that feathers, which are used in pillows, come from just under the wing of a duck?


We were allowed to carefully stroke the animals. It was really interesting to feel how deep a sheep’s wool goes. Even though it was a little bit wet and dirty on top, the wool was lovely and warm underneath. It really helped us to understand why we use wool to make jumpers!

It was a great day and we all certainly had a lot of fun, whilst learning some interesting facts.

There is so much we could now write about from this visit. Year 2 will be writing a recount of the visit before writing thank you letters to the farmers, explaining what our favourite parts of the day were. Year 1 will be working with clay to create a farm animal whilst also finding out more about where our food comes from.


Have a look at the photos below to see all the other animals we met!