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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever


We are planning to open tomorrow morning if it is safe to do so and we will of course keep you all informed of our decision making so please check our school website, emails and texts before you set off on your journey to school in the morning.  I would like to make it clear that if you do not feel safe about bringing your child to school because of the snow and ice then you will have to make the decision whether you can make that journey as school cannot make that decision for you.

I suggest that the children come in sensible shoes/boots (with a spare pair to wear inside), warm coats, hats and gloves as well so that if there is snow we can have a play after the children have been registered. 

Mr Quilter, Mr Quilter senior and myself will be working hard tomorrow morning to clear 2 paths into school. Our snow clearing volunteers who signed up recently - please do come fully armed with spades to help. It would be greatly appreciated.

Miss Lyddon will standing at the top of the school road and will be redirecting traffic as I have been told the road can get very icy... so please do not come down Binfields Farm Lane to drop your children off. Members of our school staff will be stationed at the school gates and I will be in the courtyard. Please can you ensure your children go straight into school - taking real care as the classroom doors will be open from 8.30am. Like I said, when the time is right - we will promise to take them out for a play...but they need to be really sensible first thing. Registration will close later tomorrow - 10am so you don't have the rush of getting the children in by 8.50am.

I have looked at the forecast and if throughout the morning the weather changes and becomes severe we will inform you of any decision to close part way through the day, so please do keep your phones and emails open and regularly check our website.

Once again keep safe and hopefully we will see you all tomorrow, but of course I'm sure you'll understand I will have to close the school once again if I consider that the children and staff's safety are at risk and we certainly don't want anyone to have an accident.