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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Superb Effort Yellow Team!!

The children continued to put in so much effort this afternoon and they loved having their families into join us from 1pm. A first for GBP! It was great seeing so many of you here - It was a great surprise. Thank you for taking the afternoon off to come and support!

We had so many positive comments about the event and it was also really nice to hear how wonderful the older children were with the younger ones - so a huge thank you to our junior children. You were all super stars and it shows how much you care!

So on to the winners - last year our yellow team came fourth but today they changed that around to secure a win with 1986 points! This is an increase on last years' total too. A huge well done to you all.

Red Team came second (the same as last year). Blue Team came 3rd and Green Team came 4th. Mrs Worgan will arrange for the trophy to be engraved as soon as we can.

We have some lovely photos of the day - enjoy looking through all of them with your family. I'm sure you will have some very sleepy children this evening...they all looked shattered as they left school this afternoon.