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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Y4 Ancient Greek Topic Launch Day

It is time to begin a new topic in Y4 - The Ancient Greeks! The children got a taster of what is to come as we launched our topic today. 


We started the morning listening to Icarus and Daedalus, the first of many Greek myths that we will explore this half term. We soon realised that myths are very much guided by the morals of the time, prone to being quite harsh and shocking and perhaps do not always have a happy ending. We then spent some time reading up on the Greeks, thinking about what we what to learn about this time in History. The children were very enthusiastic and gained some fantastic knowledge. In the afternoon, we read about the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses - what impressive stories they have. From this, we were inspired to refer back to the proportion skills we explored in Art last half term and have a go at drawing one of the Gods ourselves. The results were very impressive. Finally, we enjoyed a Greek inspired food tasting session. We tried figs, goats cheese and honey, pitta and oil and olives. On our upcoming Greek Day, we will be doing some Greek inspired cooking - so watch this space.


A great day was had by all. We are very much looking forward to this topic in Y4 (it is Miss Grove and Miss Hanafin's favourite) and cannot wait to explore our concepts of 'aspiration', 'tradition', and 'democracy'.