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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 3 DT Project

As part of our DT project on 'Seasonal food' we have been busy in the Kids Kitchen making bramley apple tarts. We launched the project by discussing the difference between fruits and vegetables and learnt some super exciting facts such as tomatoes and cucumbers are actually categorised by botanists as fruit; even though we often enjoy them with other vegetables in salads. We created a Venn diagram on fruits and vegetables then used our half-term concept/school value of 'creativity' to design an Eat Well plate with each of the food groups focusing on seasonality. This had great links to our Science work on nutrition. 

We also wrote recipes, created online bar charts of our favourite fruits and vegetables, researched British apples and created fact files on them and created colourful collages of seasonal fruit and vegetables. We then followed a recipe to: peel, core, cut and stew our local, British bramley apples which were encased in a tart and sprinkled with demerara sugar. Yum! Our final stage of our DT project was to evaluate our tarts and think about how they could have been improved if we were to make them again.