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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 3 Victorian Day

Today Year 3 travelled back in time to experience what life would have been like for a Victorian school child. Boys and girls had to line up separately and of course they had to pay for their education. They entered their dark, dull classroom and had to sit in rows and rise every time an adult entered the class. Boys and girls completed separate activities, including sewing for girls and gardening for boys. If children found themselves in the pit, they were not offered any help or resources which the teachers found very hard!! Other activities of the day included: drills, Geography map work, History mnemonic, listening to traditional fairytales, reciting times tables, singing the National anthem, reciting the Lord's prayer and writing on slate boards with chalk (right hands only!). We reflected on the day during circle time at 2:45 and recognised we are super fortunate not to have had to experience Victorian education!