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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 6 Science Visits

Science Week has been jam packed with exciting opportunities for our Year 6 children! We launched the week with a trip to Costello School, where the children took part in an activity to assess their carbon footprint. They discussed ways they could improve their impact on the environment and carefully considered small improvements which could have a big impact, including: turning off lights, walking to school where possible, using more public transport, thoughtful recycling and trying not to eat as much meat in their diet. I wonder if the children are already putting some of these changes into place at home. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring this topic within the science lab setting and we’d like to say a big thank you to Mr Gould for hosting our children throughout the day. 

On Wednesday, we welcomed two students from Southampton University who encouraged the children to explore a range of different scientific vocabulary such as spiral galaxy. They then embedded their growing knowledge in a fun game of Pictionary. The children also investigated a game where they explored space debris and other items located in space. This was a wonderful extension of our Space topic in Autumn 2 and the children felt lucky to conduct these activities with two fantastic role models. 

To finish off the week, the children had the opportunity to reverse their role and became experts in our science week focus - air pollution. The children have been fascinated by this topic and enjoyed learning about this vast issue, including: ‘The Great Fog’ that swept across London in 1952, the many different naturally occurring and man-made air pollutants (such as methane, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide) and how face masks can reduce the impact of air pollution. Throughout the week, the children worked incredibly hard to create their very own group presentation which sought to inform their audience about all they had learned. The children delivered their presentations to year groups across the school with great confidence and enthusiasm and it was lovely to see them take on the role of the teacher to inform others about their findings. 

What an amazing Science Week we’ve had! Year 6 would like to say a big thank you to Miss Canfield who organised our lovely visitors, trips and learning focus for this week – we’ve had a blast!