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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever


  • Children's Fair Success

    Sun 07 Feb 2016 Miss Rogers

    Last Friday our KS2 children, who ran a stall to raise funds for school playtime equipment, really surpassed themselves. All of the children were incredibly organised and were so kind and caring towards our younger children who came to the fair. It was lovely to see everyone milling around and enjoying themselves.


    I would like to thank our Children's Fair Committee - who with just a little help this year, coordinated the whole event. Thank you to our stall holders who did a marvellous job - it was the best yet! And thank you to all of our children who brought in their pocket money to spend. We raised a mighty £307.13 which will go towards buying new playtime equipment. I will be meeting with the Children's Fair Committee next week to present them with the catalogue. The team will then consult with each class to see what they will like and then the order will be placed. I promise that new playtime equipment will be available for all of the children to use before the end of next half term. Well done everybody - you should be proud of yourselves.


    I think this will be the last year we will be able to solely run it in the school hall as we are just too big as a school next year the Children's Fair will be held in the summer term where we will be able to use the outdoors environment too (if the weather is kind to us of course!!!)

  • Kiddie Konga Sessions for our EYFS Pupils

    Fri 05 Feb 2016 Miss Rogers

    Great Binfields' EYFS children have been 'working out' under the direction of Amanda Doig, who runs Kiddie Konga Sessions across North Hampshire.

    The children have really enjoyed and benefitted from the 5 week course where the children have been following fusions of Boxing, Cardio, Dance & Sculpting set to some great beats. The children have learned all sorts of moves and were seriously hot and sweaty after each session. 


    We are developing our sports and fitness opportunities for each year group and this is just one of the many programmes we provide within and outside of school hours.



  • Year One Grandparents' Toy and Games Tea Parties!

    Thu 04 Feb 2016 Miss Finnimore and Miss Hanafin

    Year One have had a very exciting day today - Chestnut's tea party this morning and Oak's this afternoon. They have been working hard over the last two weeks to plan and create invitations for their guests as well as learning how to play games, ready to write instructions for them. They have also been baking chocolate chip cookies and making sandwiches for their guests to enjoy. They especially enjoyed turning a picture of themselves into a toy; ready to be given as a gift to their guests.


    Thank you very much to all the Grandparents and guests that came to the tea parties - the children really enjoyed it and we hope you did too. It was a great chance for them to learn about the toys and games of the past from people who actually played them!


    Miss Finnimore and Miss Hanafin