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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever


  • Y4 - Book and Writing week

    Wed 26 Feb 2020 Miss Hanafin
    Year Four was given the theme of 'India' in our travel writing week. We have been watching travel guides, reading Non-Fiction texts and writing our own travel brochures. In Art, we have been working on drawing bodies in proportion and have used our sketching skills to add people to an Indian landmark scene. Whilst this was happening, Pine class begun making an Indian inspired curry so we had the delicious smells of spices to enjoy while we worked. Have a look at our great work. 
  • Laura Bingham’s visit

    Mon 24 Feb 2020 Mrs Osborne
    What a way to kick start Reading and Writing Week... we had a visit from adventurer and travel writer Laura Bingham. Laura gave a fantastic talk all about her travels on her bicycle through South America. She explained to the children how it is important to never give up on your dreams and to keep trying even if you find something tricky. She also taught them about some wildlife she saw along the way such as the Andean Condor and Northen Pudu. Did you know the Andean Condor has a wing span of 10 feet! We would like to say a huge thank you to Laura for coming to visit our school.
  • Year R visit to Chineham Library

    Fri 14 Feb 2020 Miss Khan
    On Thursday the Year R children went to visit Chineham Library.  The children met some of the librarians and discussed all the different things that you can do in the library.  Did you know that a library is not just for borrowing books?  We discovered that you could borrow CDs and DVDs, use the computers, take part in songs and rhymes groups or have some fun doing craft activities!  The children were then given time to explore the library.  It was lovely to see the children sharing books with each other and getting excited about new titles that they spotted on the shelves.  If the children had a library card, they were then able to borrow a book to share at home.  The visit was a great learning experience for the children and we hope that many of them will be visiting Chineham Library again in the future.
  • KS2 Art Club

    Fri 14 Feb 2020
    KS2 Art Club have been working hard on creating their masterpieces each week. The children have been working with mixed media and have had the opportunity to work with wood, printing, creating jazzy wooden staffs and portrait skills. 
  • Year 5 Mummification

    Fri 14 Feb 2020 Mrs Osborne

    Year 5 tested out the mummification instructions they wrote during their English lessons to mummify dolls and action figures. They also discussed the importance of tombs and how Ancient Egyptians entered the Afterlife. No actions figures were harmed in the process!

    Take a look at the photos to see what they got up to...

  • University Students Visit Our Forest School

    Thu 13 Feb 2020 Ms Rogers
    Yesterday, we had a number of education degree students from Winchester University and Vienna University along with their lecturers come and observe our outdoor grounds and Forest Schools provision.
    Our children were such a credit to us all they welcomed the students, talked passionately about Forest Schools and everything we do at GBP. The children participated in the activities the students planned very well and enjoyed sharing their toasted marshmallows 
    together around the campfire.
    The students got so much from the experience and passed on their thank yous. They also presented our children with a lovely book for our school library. Miss Lyddon or I will read the story in a future assembly.
    Just wanted you all to know how proud we all are of our children.
  • Year 1 Grandparents Tea Party

    Thu 13 Feb 2020 Miss O'Hagan
    What a fantastic day Year 1 had celebrating their Toy's Topic learning. The children had the opportunity to showcase their learning to their grandparents and parents who came along to support them. There were the Biographies that the children had written, their Pop Art, their instructions to follow and the children's yummy baking! Everyone got involved in playing the games, looking at old toys, reading books, eating cake and looking at the children's brilliant learning. It was so lovely seeing the closeness between the children and their families as well as seeing the absolute pride (and cake crumbs) on their faces as they shared what they had achieved throughout the term.  Well done Year 1, you did a grand job of sharing your Toys Topic learning with your visitors and I am 100% sure this will be a memory that you will all cherish for a very long time. Thank you so much to everyone who came. 
  • Litter picking before school - a big thank you!

    Thu 13 Feb 2020 Ms Rogers

    I wanted to share this photo of Riley and his sister who were both out this morning before school litter picking the paths around the back entrance to our school. They managed to fill over half of the bin bag with rubbish. As a result, the surrounding paths and bushes look much cleaner and safer for local wildlife. We are proud of you all. Thank you!

  • Safer Internet Day 2020

    Tue 11 Feb 2020 Ms Grove

    Today the whole school has taken part in Safer Internet Day 2020, a nationwide campaign to encourage safe and informed use of the internet. This year the theme was all about our online identity, what is safe to share and what is not.  Throughout the day our children have been doing various activities to develop their understanding of their digital footprint, the permanence of things shared online and what is appropriate to share online. 


    Previously a copy of the publication 'Digital Parenting' has been issued to all children in school however in an attempt to be more environmentally friendly this is now accessible online.  Please follow the link to receive all of the same content but in the online format.



    Digital Parenting | Vodafone

    Emma Bunton and her family took Vodafone’s Digital Family Pledge to get up to speed on four hot topics - screen time, social media, cyberbullying and gaming - and agree some digital house rules together.





    Furthermore, to support you in encouraging safe use of the internet at home here are some top tips. 


    10 tips to stay safe online

    Not sure what advice to give your child? These pointers have got you covered.

    1. You should only talk to people you know and trust in real life – anyone can pretend to be a child online

    2. If you do talk to people you don’t know, don’t give away personal information – like what street you live on or where you go to school, or share your location with them. Say no to any requests they send you for images or videos of yourself, and stop talking to them

    3. Set your profiles to private, to limit what others can see

    4. Be ‘share aware’ – think carefully about what you share and with who. Once it’s out there, you’ve got no control over what the other person does with it. Remember, it’s illegal to take, share or view sexual images of under-18s, full stop

    5. Be mindful of your digital footprint. What you post online now could come back to bite you later, like when applying for jobs, college or university

    6. If you see something upsetting, or someone bullies you, tell an adult you trust

    7. Be aware that people will try to make their lives look more exciting online. There’s a lot people can do with photo editing to make their photos look better. So don’t assume everything you see is a true to life representation

    8. Watch out for hoaxes and scams, like messages you’re meant to forward on or that ask you for payment details or your password

    9. Take any content that glamorises gang lifestyles with a very large pinch of salt – it’s not as glamorous as it looks. Be wary of schemes promising easy cash for receiving and transferring money too, they’re almost definitely criminal activity

    10. Watch out for loot boxes or other parts of games where you pay money to take a chance on getting a reward – you can get sucked into spending lots of money on them

    Don’t feel confident starting a conversation with your child about what they’re up to online? Read this advice from the NSPCC: 


    Further information:

    This factsheet was produced by Safeguarding Training Centre from The Key:

    ‘Ban kids from loot box gambling in games’, BBC News, 12 September 2019

    ‘Rescue and Response county lines project: strategic assessment 2019, Greater London Authority 

    Home, Money Mules 

    Share Aware resources for schools and teachers, NSPCC Learning (scroll down to the parent’s leaflet in the grey box)  Sexting in schools and colleges, UK Council for Internet Safety


    Kind regards

    Miss Grove

  • James Ketchell visit

    Tue 11 Feb 2020

    Yesterday afternoon, Great Binfields had a visit from James Ketchell - serial adventurer. James has climbed Everest, rowed the Atlanctic Ocean and cycled around the world. He has also travelled the world in a Gyrocopter. James regularly speaks in schools and huge events around the world, motivating children and adults to be brave and follow their dreams. He grew up in Basingstoke (and was even taught by our very own Miss Rendall once upon a time) so it was particularly significant him coming in to speak to our children in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Here is a link to his website if you want to read more about him


    He spoke about his journey climbing Everest, highlighting how this wasn't a straight forward effort and took team work, determination and resilience. He also told us about the many obstacles he faced along the way, including a very severe motor cycling accident beforehand which left him in hospital, with people telling him he would never be able to follow his dreams again. His journey to recovery and further adventure certainly was inspiring and the children's faces throughout the talk showed how absorbed by this they were. 


    James emphasised that he wasn't there to inspire children to do the things he has done, but rather to follow their own dream. He bought a friend along with him from The Basingstoke Observer (keep any eye out for us in the paper!) and pointed out how she had honed her skills, worked hard and followed her own dream. Two stand out points for us at Great Binfields were to not let anyone crush your dream and to not underestimate the power of kindness. Everything James spoke about linked so incredibly well to our ethos of hard work, Growth Mindset attitudes and kindness to all and we are proud that the children in our school live out these values every day.


    This week we have our Hopes and Goals Love of day - we don't think we could have set this off in any better way!