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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever


  • Year 1 Have Gone Bananas!

    Fri 04 Oct 2019 Miss O'Hagan
    Today, Paul from Fyffes banana warehouse visited year 1. He taught us lots about the journey bananas take. Can you remember any of the interesting facts?  Did you know: farmers put a net over bananas whilst they are growing so they do not get sun burnt, bananas don't grow on trees they grow on very tall plants and the majority of countries where the bananas grow are situated around the equator because this is where it is hot? Also, white flowers grow from the bottom of each banana as they grow. Year 1 are looking forward to using this information within their literacy lessons next week where they will be meeting Bob the Banana! A very big thank you to Paul for giving us his time and his wealth of banana knowledge! 
  • 30th September 2019

    Tue 01 Oct 2019