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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever


  • Year 2 DT day

    Mon 10 Feb 2020
    Year 2 had a great day taking part in a series of DT tasks. We have been exploring puppets, and today our challenge was to create a hand puppet. In English we have written our own Traditional tale and today we created a puppet to go with our story. We had to practise our sewing first to make sure we knew how to do it for our final piece. We then designed our character and thought carefully about how we would create it. Then finally we begun our masterpieces. Many of us have not quite finished, but we are all very proud of the work so far!
  • Year 5/6 netball match

    Fri 07 Feb 2020 Miss O'Hagan

    This afternoon, our Year 5 and 6 netball team played their first match of the season against Park View Junior school. Both teams played really well throughout the match. Positions were switched at each quarter so every team member had a go at playing different positions. With hard work, determination and team work Great Binfields won 11-5!Well done to both teams - a great match and we are very proud of what you achieved. Thank you to the parents who came to cheer on team GBP with us!

  • KS2 Hockey League Competition at Down Grange

    Fri 07 Feb 2020 Miss O'Hagan
    Last night, 12 children from KS2 represented Great Binfields at the 5 a-side Junior League Hockey Tournament. These were our second set of matches and both teams played brilliantly against the different schools. All children demonstrated good team work, co-operation and played well. Thank you to all of the children for representing Great Binfields and for the parents who came to support. 
  • On the plastic trail

    Thu 06 Feb 2020 Miss Hanafin

    Year Four have moved on from looking at natural hazards such as volcanoes and earthquakes and have now begun exploring human caused hazards, in particular plastic pollution. To help us, we have been using two brilliant resources. The first one is DigiMap for schools. This is a new subscription we have bought into as a school and is a fantastic mapping tool that allows you to move between Ordnance survey style maps and aerial maps. We used this to explore the Geography of Bristol (a place that has done a lot of work managing plastic pollution) as well as the Isle of Arran (a Scottish island that had a very big plastic pollution problem). 


    The second website we have been using is This website allows you to see the journey that plastic takes when it ends up in the ocean. The children were shocked by not only how fast the plastic will travel but also the huge, far reaching journey it takes over time. Ash and Pine class would recommend having a look at this at home as it really is eye opening. 


    We have had great conversations about how this problem occurred, in terms of human use and a 'throw away culture' but also the Geography of the prevailing winds and ocean currents that carry the problem around our planet.  


    "It is really surprising and it made me really think." Ellie

    "It is terrifying how much plastic is in our ocean." Leo

    "The websites we have been on are really fun and we have learnt a lot from them." Amelia 

    "I couldn't really visualise how much plastic there was until I saw it." Freya 

    "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Anna

  • KS2 Cross Country Competition

    Tue 04 Feb 2020 Miss O'Hagan

    This afternoon, 16 KS2 children represented our school phenomenally well in the Basingstoke Primary School cross country competition. I predict that there were around 15 schools competing, which meant that there were a lot of children running in each heat. The Year 3/4 girls ran first and showed sheer grit and determination in order to run the distance of the field. The Year 3/4 boys ran next and performed fantastically well too. Luckily the sun was shining which helped keep the children a little warmer in the harsh winds at Down Grange. Finally the Year 5/6 girls ran their laps, followed by the Year 5/6 boys. They all did amazingly well and I could not have been more proud of our Great Binfields team. Thank you to all of the parents that came to support and to QMC/ Phil Jeffs for organising.




    Our year 3/4 girls team came 16th out of 24.

    Our year 3/4 boys team came 17th out of 27.

    Our year 5/6 girls team came 20th out of 25.

    Our year 5/6 boys team came 28th out of 32.


    Brilliant effort by all, well done team GBP! 


  • 3rd February 2020

    Tue 04 Feb 2020
  • Year 5/6 Netball Match

    Mon 03 Feb 2020 Miss O'Hagan
    On Monday 3rd February, our Year 5 and 6 netball team played their first match of the season against Merton Junior school. Both teams played really well throughout the match. Positions were switched at each quarter so every team member had a go at playing different positions. Great Binfields did amazingly playing new positions whilst remembering the netball rules. So much so that we came away winning 20-1! Brilliant team work! Well done to both teams - a great match and we are very proud of what you achieved. Looking forward to our next match on Friday!
  • EYFS Relax Kids

    Mon 03 Feb 2020 Ms Rogers
    Our EYFS are all enjoying their programme of Relax Kids sessions run by Kath this term. The children really are picking up the techniques well and we will ensure they get the chance to be reminded and practice these back in EYFS when they are playing and learning. 

    Relax Kids aims to help our children become resilient and uses research-based mindful and relaxation techniques alongside values and positive psychology (positivity, strength-building, gratitude, resilience and compassion) to help support children's emotional health and wellbeing.

    Here they are giving themselves a little face and head massage after stretching and warming up!

  • Save Our Chineham Library

    Sun 02 Feb 2020 Ms Rogers

    Well done KS1 - your posters are up at Tesco. Looking amazing I might add! KS2 your letters to Maria Miller are being sent to her tomorrow. Everyone’s voice will count!


    Tesco said they have space for more! It may be time for you to encourage others to get creative and send our message loud and clear to the council. You can leave your posters at Tesco Customer Services or Great Binfields Primary School.