Class Music
is a powerful form of communication that can change the way we feel, think and act
brings together intellect and feeling
enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development
increases self-discipline and creativity, sensitivity and fulfilment.
Music making at Great Binfields Primary School is offered equally to our pupils, regardless of race, gender or ability. All children are supported to develop musically at a pace that is appropriate for them as a learner. Those pupils with particular needs or abilities will be given opportunity, encouragement and assistance, when required, by the class teacher, specialist teacher, teaching assistant or SENCO. Where appropriate, we are able to financially support children in their music making, for example, those who benefit from the Pupil Premium or grants from charitable trusts. Please contact the school office if you feel you would benefit from financial assistance.
The school's Music Makers programme provides music therapy as a transition package for a small number of EYFS children joining the school. If you feel your child may benefit from this programme please mention it to the EYFS team or school office. More information about Music Makers is available on the EYFS music page. Music lessons and interventions are also tailored for our Visually Impaired and Autistic Spectrum Disorder children and funded through Pupil Premium and charitable trusts. Adapted equipment e.g. ear defenders, special grip beaters, adaptable recorders/ ukuleles is available for children with physical or sensory needs.