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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Oak & Maple Class (Year 6)

Y6 Expectations

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PowerPoint Presentation from Expectations Evening held at school on 11/09/024

Welcome to Oak and Maple Class (Year 6) 2024-2025


Wow, what a start to Year 6 we have had! It has been fantastic to welcome the children back after a long summer break and hear all about their adventures over the holidays. The children have all settled in brilliantly and have shown great resilience to adapt to their new classes. They have certainly impressed us with their focus and determination to succeed in lessons so far and have been able to enjoy the perks of the exclusive Year 6 common area. All of the children have certainly adjusted to Year 6 life incredibly well!


Just to inform you, Year 6 PE will be on a Monday (Indoor) and Friday (Outdoor) this year. The children will need to wear their PE kit into school to be worn for the duration of the day. 


Please feel free to drop us an email or call via the office if you have any queries or concerns, we are always willing to help where we can. 


Our current Year 6 staff team.

Left to right: Mrs Taylor (LSA), Mrs Wallace (LSA), Mrs Osborne (Oak Class teacher), Mrs James (Maple Class Teacher), Mrs Byrne (Oak and Maple Class cover teacher), Mrs Mardell (LSA).