Our Philosophy - Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent - What are we trying to achieve here with, and through, the curriculum?
Intention 1: Enhance quality of education to ensure it is consistently excellent for all children.
Intention 2: Promote high performance of all pupils across all curriculum areas.
Intention 3: Co-ordinate and evaluate recovery breadth of the curriculum.
Intention 4: Ensure children’s personal development is at the heart of all we do.
Aims of our curriculum
A curriculum tailored to our children’s needs In order to fulfil our mission of ‘Learning together, achieving forever', we spent some time considering the things that our children really needed from their education. We considered what should underpin our curriculum and the way in which we deliver learning opportunities.
- ACTIVE - Provide richness and depth to inspirational learning in school
- EXPERIENCES - Provide a breadth of opportunity out of school whilst rooting children in their immediate and local environment
- DIVERSITY - Build cultural awareness & knowledge to encourage children to be outward looking and forward thinking
- PURPOSE - We believe learning should matter. Making meaningful learning is central to our teaching. Learning objectives are made clear to the children with an outcome we are working towards and the steps along the way.
- AUTHENTIC AUDIENCES and OUTCOMES – We believe our children’s work should be shared with different audiences so it raises expectations and expertise.
- CONCEPTS and VALUES – Determines knowledge, adds relevance and creates connectedness.
These drivers run through all our subjects in every classroom. At Great Binfields Primary School we are committed to providing relevant, first hand learning and purposeful experiences for all of our pupils. Our curriculum immerses children in exciting projects with authentic outcomes. We want children to really enjoy their learning and help them become team players as well as valuable members of society as they grow older. At the heart of our curriculum are our core values.
Implementation - What are we doing?
-Working collaboratively both as Year Group Teams and Curriculum Team Leads to ensure our curriculum is the best it can be.
-Communicating with pupils and each other our learning journeys in each subject and why.
-Identifying strengths and areas of enhancement for: individuals, cohorts and subject areas.
-Researching and innovating - sharing best practise with Year Group Teams and Team Leads.
-Underpinning our curriculum with concepts, authentic outcomes, critical audiences and British Values.
-Rejuvenating our school values to remind our pupils of the importance of being an honest, moral citizen and thus enhancing our school identity.
-Using O Track (the school's assessment tool) to track our pupil's progress and outcomes, identify/analyse trends for vulnerable groups.
-Monitoring children's wellbeing and tailoring support to them through our Jigsaw Curriculum and ELSA Programme.
Impact - What do we hope will be the impact of our curriculum and how do we measure it?
Curriculum Improvement:
The curriculum is broad and balanced and every subject is recognised, valued and taught well. The school values, British values and cross-curricular concepts are interwoven into the curriculum. Through these values, they will respectfully challenge ideas and consider life’s big questions. Staff and children refer to and use the school values in their everyday language. Children know what they look like and how to demonstrate them. A ‘Growth Mindset’ approach is interwoven into daily teaching and work ethos/culture. Pupils are all being set up to succeed as lifelong learners, using the key skills taught to them in each of the relevant curriculum areas.
Pupils are not passive recipients of the curriculum; instead they are encouraged to be critical thinkers, actively asking questions and thus become independent learners. They take pride in all they do and believe they can achieve. They have a strong sense of social injustice and a developing moral compass. Our learners are motivated by a strong set of values and a personal sense of morality. They show tolerance, embrace differences and are resilient to the influence of others. They will go out into the wider world wanting to make a real difference in their own life and to that of others as well. Pupils are confident and happy and will demonstrate a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. They celebrate each other’s differences and are proud of each other’s achievements.
They can discuss their topics passionately and recall prior knowledge. They can make links between concepts and topics and relate this to their personal development. They achieve well across all curriculum areas and are in line with age related expectations (ARE). Those who are not yet at ARE are fully supported to make excellent progress from their starting points. All pupils are suitably challenged across all areas and experience a sense of achievement. In order to measure the impact, staff will use a range of regular formative assessment and, where appropriate, summative assessment as learning models to ascertain the retention of previous knowledge as well as noting starting points for further learning. Previously missed coverage will be effectively taught and assessed, the impact of this being more children will be achieving age related expectations. Ultimately, children will be ready for the next stage of their educational journey.
All children at Great Binfields Primary School are valued for their unique skills, personalities and abilities. Our school community is built on an ethos of celebrating and welcoming all and this threads through everything that we do. We strongly believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative time in our lives where curiosity can and will grow, leading to a thirst for new experiences and knowledge in and out of the curriculum. The teaching and learning in our school aims to provide these opportunities for all of our children, as we continuously grow and evolve, adapting to the needs of all our learners.
If you have any questions surrounding our Curriculum, please contact our school office and a member of our staff team will get in touch with you.