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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Hawthorn & Hazel Class (Year 3)

Welcome to the final half term in Year 3! The children have got brilliantly stuck into Creative Week and we look forward to seeing all that they achieve in this final Summer term. 


We have updated our staff photo and attached it below!

From left to right back row: Mrs Browne (LSA), Mrs Clarke (VI LSA), Mrs Gough (Teacher of Hawthorn), Miss Thomas (Teacher of Hazel), Miss Menard (HLTA) and Mrs Wallace (VI LSA). 

Front row: Mrs Lowe (HLTA) and Mrs Crook (LSA)

Spring 2


Year 3 have had a super sweet half term learning all about chocolate! A lot of our English and Blended Reading learning was based around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm not sure who loved this book more- the children or Mrs Gough and Miss Thomas! Year 3 magpied some poems from this book and performed them brilliantly. We also wrote our own poems and created super description of the chocolate factory. We were lucky enough to have a visit from the owner of Ma Humbugs sweet shop (Nicky). She taught us lots about her shop and the old fashioned sweets she sales. Nicky set us a challenge- to create a persuasive poster to advertise her shop. We were blown away with the posters Year 3 created and we look forward to seeing them up in the shop. Why don't you take a visit over half term and see if you can spot your poster? 


Our chocolate learning was lead throughout our Geography topic where we explored where and how it was made. The Ivory Coast was our main learning point as this is one of the worlds largest producer of cocoa! Year 3 explored the journey from cocoa bean to the chocolate bar. We also explored the importance of fair trade within this topic. 


In Music this half term, Year 3 have learnt and practised brass in their Listen to Me lessons. This is not an easy instrument to learn but they performed so well in their concert this week. Our Art has been focused around L.S Lowery and the children have learned how to sketch with perspective. We have had a great time learning key skills within Cricket with 360. In indoor PE the children learnt a dance based around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Well done for another super half term Year 3! See you in Summer term where we will begin our learning all about the Romans.

Spring 1

Year 3 have had a busy half term since the Christmas holidays. In Geography, they undertook a fieldwork investigation and walked around the local area looking at land use, they have also done some map work and created their own maps showing the route they took around Chineham. In Music, it is the Brass term. The children are looking forward to showcasing their learning to you at the end of the Spring term with cornets, trombones and French horns (letter to follow). I am sure it will be a wonderful exhibition of their work! In Art, they have been sketching, drawing, printing and collaging to create incredible art work in the style of Lancelot Ribeiro. 


In Maths lessons, we have been impressed with the children's work on fractions, money, subtraction and 2D/3D shapes. They have been showing us their problem solving skills and have been challenging themselves to achieve the best they can by showing determination and resilience. In English, the children have written a class autobiography book by completing their own autobiographies, and they have also written a story based on our class book 'The Tin Forest'. The children's creativity and imagination has been really showcased here!


We were also extremely lucky to have Mrs Gilham come in to help us with First Aid Day where everyone got to practise CPR, wrapping bandages, identified hazards, learnt how to stop nosebleeds, and much more!


As there have been a few changes to staffing, below is an up to date photo and year group information. 

Hazel class teacher - Miss Thomas

Hawthorn class teacher - Mrs Gough

PPA cover - Thursday mornings (Mrs Lockley - Haw, Miss Menard - Hazel).

LSA's - Mrs Wallace, Miss Menard, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Browne).


Autumn term

What an exciting and busy Autumn term we have had in Year 3. Our learning has been based around the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age. We were even lucky enough to have an Iron Age visitor, and participate in Stone Age day where we built fires to cook stew! In Maths, we have learnt about measure, time, addition, shape/angles, and we will be building on this knowledge in the Spring term. Our English learning has consisted of lots of description, story writing, non-chronological report about the Stone Age, instruction writing and we even wrote a blog about a shocking event that happened at GBP. In Science, we have learnt about magnets, friction, and rocks and participated in many scientific investigations. In PE, we have been keeping warm outside by learning the skills within rugby and football, and also inside we have been utilising gymnastic skills and showing speed and agility in circuit training. 


We look forward to diving into the Spring term and extending the children's learning, especially into learning all about the towns, cities and areas of the UK. 

Welcome to Year 3!


What a fantastic start all of the children have made to Year 3. We have been extremely impressed with the children's attitude to work and excitement towards our first topic- Stone Age! We are busy learning about the settlements Stone Age people used, Cave paintings and what life was like. All the teachers have been blown away with the children's determination, resilience and enthusiasm towards the beginning of the year. Don't forget to get your costumes ready as on the 13th of October, Year 3 will be participating in Stone Age Day. We cannot wait! 


Just a reminder, our library day is on Tuesday so please bring in your books to be scanned in.  

Also, PE days are Mondays (indoor) and Fridays (outdoor) so please come into school wearing your PE kit. 

Excitingly, Year 3 are very lucky to have 'Listen to Me' Music lessons every Thursday and this term will be learning the Ukulele.



Meet the Year 3 team!


Hawthorn Teacher: Mrs Gough

Hazel Teacher: Miss Thomas 

LSA's across the year group: Mrs Browne (am), Miss Menard, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Clarke (VI LSA am) and Mrs Shillito (VI LSA pm)

Cover teachers: Mrs Sheers will cover Hazel class and Miss Lockley will cover Hawthorn both on Thursday morning.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ask. 


Left to right

Mrs Shillito, Mrs Clarke, Miss Menard, Miss Thomas, Mrs Gough, Mrs Browne