School Uniform
What school uniform will my child need?
Most of these items can be purchased from supermarkets or from our Friends Group website
- Branded school jumper or cardigan
- Grey tailored trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts
- White polo shirt
- Grey, white or black socks or tights
- Blue Gingham dress for Summer
- Black school shoes (not trainers)
- A school branded book bag ( EYFS, Year 1, Year 2) or a small rucksack (Year 3,4,5,6 ONLY)
- Black jogging bottoms or leggings and a black non branded zipped hoodie
- Black Shorts ( must be worn for indoor PE)
- Colured T shirt (Your child's house colour) available from Friends Group or supermarkets
- PE trainers
Branded Jumpers and cardigans can be purchased at Skoolkit. Here is the Skoolkit website link There is a shop in Basingstoke town center. There is no need for other uniform items to be branded and they can be purchased at all supermarkets.
We also have good quality second-hand cardigans, jumpers and other items available in school for a small donation (that goes towards FOGB). You can purchase these online via the Friend's Group Website Your order will then be avialable to pick up from school.
Financial help with uniform
If you are worried about the cost of uniform, please contact us as we might be able to help.