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Great Binfields Primary School home page

Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Rowan & Birch Class (EYFS)

Welcome to Year R

Welcome to our Year R page. 

Wow, what a super busy and fun filled half term we are having! We have been spending lots of time getting to know each other and building new friendships, as well as having fun exploring the school environment and learning the new routines. The teachers have been so proud of how the children have settled into our school. During this term, we look forward to getting to know all about the children’s interests and abilities. Our topic is ‘Being Me in my World’ and through this we will talk about our families, our likes and dislikes and what is the same or different between us and our friends. 



Important Information

P.E days - Monday and Thursday

Library day - Friday


Here is a photograph of our EYFS team.  From left to right we have:

Miss Whitehead (Early Years Assistant) Mrs Lowe (Early Years Assistant/ HLTA and PPA cover) Mrs Drewett (Early Years Assistant) Miss Green (Birch Class Teacher), Miss Khan (EYFS Lead, Rowan Class Teacher,  SENDCO and DSL), Miss Canfield (Rowan Class Teacher). 



Autumn 1


Wow, what a super busy and fun filled half term our Early Years children have had!

We have enjoyed lots of settling in activities including discussing the children’s ‘All About Me’ work which they produced over the Summer, and using our Jigsaw circle times to get to know one another in our classes.

We have produced lots of seasonal work this half term including baking yummy hedgehog bread, and exploring our woodlands in our learning.

During our school Diversity Day, the children enjoyed learning about the Diwali festival and how it is celebrated.

The children are thoroughly enjoying ‘Drawing Club’ this half term. We choose a story each week and the children draw a picture each day such as the character or setting. They also learn focus words and actions each week linked to that story. The children have thoroughly embraced this concept and look forward to our daily sessions!

We have also taken part in scooter training where the children learnt essential safety skills and practised some manoeuvres on their scooters!

The children have also been engaging well in P.E, whether it be parachute games in the hall or outside with Active 360! We have been practising lots of spatial awareness skills and playing team games.

The half term ended with lots of Halloween craft such as scary lanterns and bubbling cauldrons! The children have hugely enjoyed their first half term of school and we are looking forward to what Autumn 2 brings us!

Autumn 2

Early Years have had another super busy and exciting term! 

The children began the new term by enjoying some history, learning all about Guy Fawkes and the significance of Firework night, culminating in some lovely firework pictures!

The children also took part in the Great Binfields Remembrance service in the courtyard where they sat beautifully and made us very proud of how respectful they were. They also created some beautiful watercolour art of poppies in the fields and we proudly displayed them in our classrooms.

In December, the children hugely impressed us with their amazing Nativity performance, in their retelling of the Christmas story. We spent lots of time learning our lines, song words and actions! After lots of practise, we then performed in front of KS1 and our parents and carers – everyone was so proud of what they achieved!

We have also enjoyed various outdoor activities, including our ‘Follow the Star’ game where the children had to find stars hidden in the woodland and then had to follow the actions on the star, such as star jumps and stretches! We also loved making our banana snowmen kebabs and the wonderful Christmas pantomime!

We rounded off our year by engaging in lots of fun Christmas themed activities, including our Christmas Disco and lots of Christmas craft.  We also learnt how to sew a penguin decoration and made our parents and carers a seasonal calendar as Christmas gifts! We even had a surprise visit from Father Christmas which unsurprisingly, the children were super excited about!

The children have had an amazing and fun filled Autumn 2 term and we are looking forward to welcoming them back next year after a well deserved rest!