Cedar & Yew Class (Year 1)
Autumn 2
In Geography this half term we have been on a journey around the United Kingdom, identifying the four countries and capital cities that make up the UK, as well as naming the seas that surround us. We have also looked at England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in more detail by exploring the key characteristics of each country, such as national symbols, flags, landmarks, native animals, landmarks and food. The children have produced some beautiful drawings to illustrate key characteristics of each country.
In Science, the children have been enthused by our topic on animals. They have been grouping animals into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish, and thinking about the diets of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. They have also loved finding out about the life and work of David Attenborough, and have been fascinated when watching some of the video clips from some of his many wildlife documentaries.
In DT, we have been making fruit kebabs. We were inspired by the book 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'. In this story, Oliver learns about the fruits that can be grown here in the UK, and why certain fruits need to be grown in hot countries. We then made fruit kebabs, choosing the fruit that we would like to put onto our skewers and then cutting the fruit into smaller chunks. We learned how to use the knife safely to cut, using the bridge-hold or claw-hold, depending on the type of fruit we were cutting. Once we had finished, we enjoyed eating our fruit skewers.
DT - Fruit kebabs
Welcome to Year 1
Autumn 1
The children have really thrown themselves into their learning and are enjoying Continuous Provision- Busy Time in Year 1.We have been so impressed with their enthusiasm and energy and cannot wait to get into this term's learning. Our first Topic is Being me in my World, where we will be learning about our bodies and the senses in Science. In History, we will be creating our own personal timelines with key events that have happened in our lifetime.
We have also been working hard in our English, Maths, Art, Computing, R.E and Guided Reading sessions. We will also be introducing Spelling Shed and Handwriting sessions into our timetable too. It's busy busy busy in Year 1!
Important Information
PE Days - Monday (outside) and Wednesday (inside)
Library Day - Wednesday
PPA Monday morning.
The Year 1 team.
Yew Class Teacher - Mrs Wood
Cedar Class Teacher - Mrs Davis
LSA's - Mrs Sweetman and Miss Martin
PPA cover- Mrs Barnhouse and Mrs Lowe
Science- Learning about our senses
Maths- Identifying 2D shapes

Diwali Lanterns

Y1 Expectations