Sycamore and Willow Class (Year 2)
Y2 Expectations
Summer 1
Summer 1 in Year 2 has been a very exciting one, as we've been learning about a brand new topic linked to our History learning. On our first day back, we had a range of items to uncover and predict what our learning would be about. We found a sash labelled 'Scutari Hospital', some cleaning items, a lantern, some images of hospitals and a medal. We pieced the evidence together and found out about two historical women who helped during the Crimean war, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children enjoyed finding out about their lives and the legacy they've had since. This learning about medicines led nicely into our English writing where the children designed and planned instructions to create their own medicine, using Roald Dahl's George's Marvellous Medicine as inspiration. These looked brilliant in the classroom windows.
In Science we looked at applying forces to materials. We looked at the forces of twisting, bending, stretching and squashing. The children enjoyed using these forces to create rigid bridges which we tested on a glorious, sunny afternoon. Our Artist this half term has been Louis Comfort Tiffany. He was inspired by nature to create beautiful glass pieces. This led us to create our own nature themed stain-glass windows, which also looked amazing in the classroom windows!
In D.T we learnt some sewing skills and used this to create our own teddy bears. We will be using these in Summer 2, so watch this space! In RE we learnt about the Hindu celebration of Holi and the stories linked to this. The children enjoyed learning about Prahad and Holika and in computing we discussed the meaning of 'keywords' and 'search engines' and used this to research information about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.
We look forward to seeing the children back after the holiday to begin our final topic of the year.
Year 2 Team
Summer 1 pictures
Spring 2
Goodness me what a busy half term we have had here in year 2. We are so proud of the children as they have been writing some amazing stories about going on a journey using a magical crayon that brings everything to live that they draw! To help with the story writing we went on an amazing trip to Milestones Museum to look at different types of transport which helped them to describe the vehicles in their stories.
In geography we have been making maps of the school and measuring the weather by making wind socks and windmills and we have bee recording what the weather has been like every day. We have also been growing lots of things as in science we have been investigating the life cycles of plants. We tested if plants needed water and were very surprised that our seeds grew even when we had given them far too much water! We now have some beans growing in the cupboard and on the window to see if the amount of light a plant gets affects how they grow.
Art has been an interesting topic and a new on for all of us as we looked at the artist Alvaro Petritoli and have been creating atmospheric sea scenes using shaving foam! The children have loved this activity and you may have noticed them coming home smelling beautifully clean!
On world book day we had an amazing amount of fun! As we didn't dress up as characters the children were all given a potato to make into a character and we had some amazing creations from Ninja Turtles to Harry Potter to Matilda to Supertato with a few Minions and Paddington Bears thrown in too! The children also used their French skills to create models of items beginning with the letters of the French Alphabet such a s a papillion beginning with a p which is of course a butterfly!
The children have all made such amazing progress this term and we are so proud of them. Miss Heath and Mrs Ellis cannot wait for the summer term to find out what more adventures we will go on with Year 2!
Have a lovely Easter!
The Year 2 Team
Spring 2 pictures
Spring 1
What a brilliant start to the new term we have had so far! We started of the year with Winter Week and the children created some amazing artwork of The Snowman which are now adorning the hallway and the excitingly we had Divergent Drama in to teach us all about the Titanic as we launched our new Topic "Iceberg Ahead!"
More importantly we have had the wonderful Miss Martin join the year 2 team. Some of the children and I am sure the parents may recognise Miss Martin from SCL. Miss Martin joined just before Christmas and is now fully immersed into the year 2 team.
The children as ever are very excited about this terms learning and are eagerly sharing the facts they already know about the Titanic. We are currently writing a diary as Samson - a mouse who stows away on the Titanic and out class reading is all about a young girl called Daisy who travels on board with her family.
We look forward to updating you more as the term goes on!
The Year 2 team.
Spring 1 pictures
Autumn 2
Year 2 have had another busy half term of learning! This topic has been very exciting for the children as we've been looking at a caring, soft bear the children love, a bear we know as Paddington!
After half term, the children were intrigued to find a delivery of a brown suitcase with the initials P.B in the Year 2 classrooms. We opened these up to find a list of clues inside. We unpacked some important letters, a pair of wellies, some postcards from Peru and a big jar of marmalade. The children were brilliant detectives and quickly realised what the initials stood for. This led us into our English writing, where we looked at instruction writing features. We then wrote our own instructions for making marmalade sandwiches. The children enjoyed following these instructions and making their own marmalade sandwiches to try. In Geography, we continued with the theme of London. The children looked at the different continents of the world and labelled where Paddington and Aunt Lucy would be. We then looked closely at London and the key landmarks that we would spot on a map. The children enjoyed creating a class map of these various landmarks. In art, the children blew us away with their watercolours of Paddington. We were so impressed that we even sent them off to Mr York (a professional artist!) who couldn't believe how amazing they were! With all the learning that we've been getting up to this half term, Christmas almost snuck up on us! Before we knew it, we were practising our Christmas assembly. The children worked really hard learning the songs, poems and lines for this performance.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We look forward to seeing Year 2 back in 2024!
Autumn 2 pictures
Welcome to Year 2
Autumn 1
What an amazing start we have had to the year! The children have really thrown themselves into their learning and are very excited about our first topic - The Great Fire of London! We have been super impressed with their interest and curiosity in maths and they have blown us away with their use of expanded noun phrases in English.
We have been discovering the properties of materials in science and they have carried out some amazing investigations already - deciding on the absorbency of materials to use to make a bucket for firemen, how to wrap our precious items to keep them safe and what we would build a bridge out of. The children also enjoyed the story of Vlad and Boxton, a flea and a rat who lived on Pudding Lane during 1666. We were very impressed with the character descriptions that the children wrote. In our DT we looked at axles and wheels and how we could use these to create our own fire engines. The children really enjoyed designing and evaluating their finished products. In art, the children completed an artist study of Jan Griffier who depicted The Great fire of London. The children then created their own silhouettes of London and stuck these onto their painted background of the flames. You may have seen these in our class windows!
We have seen numerous examples of resilience, respect and creativity this half term, something the children can be very proud of!
Important Information
PE Days - Monday and Friday
Library Day - Wednesday
Book Change Days
Monday - Red/Flamingo/Octopuses
Tuesday - Blue/Tiger
Wednesday - Purple/Lion
Thursday - Green/ Alligator
Friday - Yellow/Whales
The Year 2 Team.
Sycamore Class Teacher - Miss Heath
Willow Class Teacher - Mrs Ellis
LSA - Mrs Tomkins and Miss Martin