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Great Binfields Primary School home page

Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

School Information

Welcome to our School Information page. Here you will find out more general information about the school. If you wish to find out further information about a specific year group or topics, please feel free to look at the class pages or if you can't find what you are looking for, contact the school office.

The school day


7.45 - 8.30 SCL Breakfast Club Paid Care (external agency). Drop off at the hall Fire exit or main entrance. SCL have a doorbell and a mobile phone number to call.

8.30 - 8.40am Gates open and close – children in class by 8:45 am for registration.   


This means that all children are in their classroom, sat down and ready to learn for the start of the school day at 8:45am after they have registered. All children are to be dropped off at the gate and make their way independently to their classroom door in the courtyard. No parents/carers will be permitted on site for the mornings. If you arrive after the gates are closed, please come to the school office and sign your child in.


8:45 School lessons start and registration completed  

10:30 – 10:43 Break time  

11:45 – 13.00 EYFS Lunchtime 

12:00 – 13.00 Lunchtime for KS1 & KS2  

13.00 – 13.05 Registration 

3.15pm School finishes - Parents can enter at 3.05 via top or bottom gate to collect children from their classroom door in the courtyard. EYFS from EYFS play area.

3.15 -18.00 SCL After School Paid Care (External Agency) 

3.15 – 16.15 Extra-curricular activities run by school.   


The school day is 6.5 hours. Our school week (Monday to Friday) is 32.5 hours, which aligns with the government's recommended total school hours.