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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

PSHE and Citizenship (Jigsaw)



At Great Binfields, our personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum brings together citizenship with personal well-being, whilst promoting fundamental British values. Although PSHE is taught through discreet lessons, it also underpins all activities, assemblies, educational visits and extra-curricular clubs. It is intended that we will offer a cohesive whole-school approach which enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. PSHE is taught across the school continuously during lessons, assemblies, school clubs, school events and break times. In addition, PSHE is integrated into our curriculum through SMSC, our half-termly Jigsaw days and our School Values. 


"PSHE education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain." - The PSHE Association 


"Children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school well-being on average have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school, both concurrently and in later years." - The DfE


Jigsaw informs provision planning ensuring progress in Physical, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), which occurs daily. In provision, children will explore the ideas of relationships, feelings and appropriate behaviours, self-confidence and self-awareness, rules and routines and empathy. These ideas are all covered within the Jigsaw programme of study: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me.

In KS1 and KS2: 
We use Jigsaw to inform our curriculum planning. Topics included in the programme of study are: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. Each topic is made up of different sessions covering Self Awareness, Social Skills, Empathy, Motivation and Managing Feelings. Different aspects of SMSC are also focussed on. 

This is our whole school long term PSHE plan

PSHE Policy

"It is great to hear how well my child can communicate and articulate their feelings now!" - Year 3 parent 

These are just some of the books we use in each year group to enhance our PSHE teaching and learning throughout our school. These would be great to share at home too - to support the teaching and learning happening in school. Why not borrow some titles from the library?

Some useful websites

Relationships, Sex  and Health Education (RSHE) 

Following a consultation with all stakeholders via a questionnaire, we have now published our Relationship, Sex and Health Policy which can be found in our policies and statements section of our website at the following link

What does a good quality RSHE lesson look like for us at GBP?

We dedicate teaching time to RSE in every school year as part of our whole school Jigsaw programme, so that our pupils can revisit and build on what they have learned. 

Techniques we use to deliver RSHE lessons:

  • Games
  • Storybooks
  • Circle time and question box activities
  • Drama and role play
  • Art
  • Videos


All the resources we use in lessons are completely age appropriate and allow our pupils to deepen their understanding. 

Some of our RSHE may be taught as a whole-class exercise, but at times children may also be split up into boys and girls or small groups at times: for example, children might be taught about puberty in single-sex groups. We set ground rules for our lessons and ensure we provide an environment that is safe, inclusive and respectful. All answers are answered carefully and thoughtfully. 

If you have any questions about our RSHE curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact school or speak with your child’s class teacher.