PE & Games
Great Binfields Primary School Physical Education curriculum
At Great Binfields Primary School, learning in Physical Education is underpinned by our Learning Core Values, the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and delivered through the school ethos and values. From our curriculum, pupils will become physically confident being physically educated through a broad range of physical activities across different activity areas and school sport.
Through the PE Curriculum at Great Binfields, children will:
- enjoy learning and achieve success
- be confident to take part in physical activity;
- be competent in a range of physical skills;
- be a confident and independent learner
- Develop respect for their bodies through understanding of how to stay fit and healthy
- Be open minded to the various talents of each and work cooperatively with others
- Seek out and enjoy challenges
- Ask questions to extend thinking
- Collaborate with others and work as part of a team to reach a common goal
- Overcome barriers by trying out alternative and adapting or developing ideas
- Assess themselves and others
- Show commitment and perseverance
- Connect ideas and experiences in different ways
- Be physically literate in a way that supports wellbeing both now and, in the future
At Great Binfields, the children are taught PE by GBP teachers and Active Me 360 qualified coaches.
PE in action!
Long Term Plan 2023-2024
Progression Map 2023-2024
SMSC in PE & Games
2023-2024 Sports Premium
Sports Days:
We hold our 2 annual Sports' days in June each year. Our first Sports' Day is a competitive event day. Here the children run and hurdle over a given distance. They have two set throwing events and a jumping event. The aim is to win points for their team colour - Red, Green, Yellow and Blue.
This is organised as Key stage 1 in the morning and Key Stage 2 in the afternoon. Parents /Carers and their wider family are welcome to come and cheer the children on during the Friday competitive events.
Our second Sports' Day, the following Monday is organised in House Teams, where the children work as a team to complete set challenges such as an obstacle race, hockey dribble, netball shoot, sack race and the dressing up race.
The overall team colour winner is announced at the end of the second day and the shield is engraved to mark the success.
Sports Leaders
There are two Sports Leaders in each class and their role is to promote fitness and healthy lifestyles. They lead warm ups as well as demonstrate during PE sessions. They also act as sporting role models for their peers in addition to helping keep the school sports equipment in tip-top shape, ready for all classes to use. The Sports Leaders pictures are in each classroom and they will be wearing a black Sports Leaders badge so these children can be easily spotted. Sports leader meetings are held termly and we are already looking forward to our next one.
Keeping Fit and Healthy
At Great Binfields we promote keeping active across the curriculum. We are able to do this through active playtimes, learning breaks, use of the trim trails across school and the Daily Mile. This is because we know the vital health benefits; both physically and mentally. Below, you will find a reminder of the benefits within a leaflet written by the Association of Physical Education. The leaflet will go into further detail into how keeping active will support your childs achievement, personal development, social skills, health and emotional well-being and leadership.
Attached, are some links to videos which we use in the classroom to help keep the children active. These would be great to use at home too, to ensure the promotion of keeping fit and healthy.
Joe Wicks the Body Coach for Kids-
Super Movers-
How can you build physical activity into your families lives?
1. Build physical activity into your family’s daily routine.
Ideally, every night after dinner your family should get up and do some form of physical activity together. It could be taking a walk, playing catch, or riding bikes. It really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you are moving together. If this doesn’t work with your lifestyle, see if you can find another time of day to be active together. Try starting with 15 minutes every day.
2. Show your kids how you are physically active in your own life.
What’s your physical outlet? Do you run, practice yoga, play tennis, walk the dog, or workout at the gym? Being an active role model for your kids is one of the best things you can do to encourage them to be active. If you aren’t very active, it’s never too late for you to start, either.
3. Choose to walk or bike instead of drive.
Whenever possible get kids moving instead of sitting in a car. If there is a safe route, have them walk or bike to school on a daily basis (if they’re too young to go on their own walk or bike with them). This is a great habit to get into at an early age. Don’t forget to leave lots of time to get where you are going so you don’t have to rush.
4. Expose your kids to a wide variety of activities and sports.
Kids who specialise early in a specific sport can get burned out and injured. It’s important to let them try lots of different things so that they can develop a wide range of skills and find out what they enjoy. With a few exceptions, most sports do not require specialisation until kids are in their early teens.
5. Focus on fun.
Most kids aren’t ready for competition until they are ten and up. For kids under ten, fun activities and non-competitive games keep things stress-free and allow them to have success no matter what their skill level.
6. Spend time outdoors.
It used to be that going outside was the default move for any bored child. And going outside almost guarantees some form of physical activity. These days there are a lot of distractions that can keep kids inside and occupied for hours. It’s up to us as parents to create lots of opportunities for them to play outside.
Great Binfields PE kit guidance:
As outlined in our uniform guidance, Great Binfields PE kit is as follows:
- Plain black shorts
- Plain house coloured T-Shirt
- Plain black bottoms for outdoor activities or plain black or navy tracksuit
- Trainers that can be securely fastened
- Long hair must be tied back for all P.E/Games activities
- Earrings must be removed on PE days
Your child should come into school wearing their PE kit on their selected PE days.
Pupil voice!