Times Tables
At Great Binfields, we value the importance of children learning number facts and times tables to help support their learning. Knowing this can also help children to grasp other important aspects of Maths, such as fractions, division and percentages more readily, it boost children’s confidence in their own skills and helps build mental arithmetic skills.
Here at Great Binfields, we use the Times Tables Rock Stars scheme to help the children in KS2 learn their times tables in an engaging and competitive manner. Accessible through the app or via an internet browser, Times Table Rock Stars provides a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 14,000 schools - both primary and secondary – worldwide. We recommend that children rehearse and practise their skills at home using their individual account, regularly. You should find your child’s username and password stored safely in the back of their home school diary.
Within KS1, the children use a similar programme called Numbots which focuses on enabling children to learn and consolidate their number facts knowledge through a fun and engaging games based app produced by the same company. Again, you can find your child's log in details for this app in the back of their home school diary. The app will progress with the children as they practise at home and in school, and become more secure with their number fact recall.
Here is a Times Table booklet with fun and exciting ideas for learning times tables, a list of the times tables your child should be learning in each year group (in line with national expectations) and even tricks and rules to help those tricky ones stick!
Times Table Booklet
Times Table Songs and Games
Here are a series of helpful videos from the Supermovers team at the BBC to support your children in their understanding and memorisation of their times tables. These videos provide an exciting way of learning times tables through catchy songs and encouraging characters - all your favourite football mascots.