PSHE (including RSE) and Citizenship
Our Vision/Policy
The national criteria states:
“A healthy school works hard to ensure children experience happiness and when pupils are unhappy, anxious, disturbed or depressed there are open channels for them to seek or be offered support, without stigma and with appropriate confidentiality. A healthy school actively seeks to promote emotional health and well-being and helps pupils to understand their feelings”.
At Great Binfields we work towards positive emotional health and well-being in the whole of our school community for adults as well as our children.
Context and Rationale
Emotional health and well-being promotes school success and improvement by:
- helping pupils and staff feel happier, more confident and more motivated
- contributing positively to priorities such as enhancing teaching and learning, raising standards, promoting social inclusion and improving behaviour and attendance
- involving pupils more fully in the operation of the school
- helping to meet legal, ethical and curricular obligations
- Happier and more motivated pupils and staff who get more out of life
Teaching and Learning
- Pupils who are more engaged in the learning process
- Pupils have an awareness of fixed and growth mindsets and use strategies taught to develop themselves as growth mindset learners
- Pupils who can concentrate and learn better
- Improved standards in all subjects, not just literacy and numeracy
- Improved attainment- children striving to meet age related expectations
- More effective teaching
- Parents and carers more involved in school life and learning
Behaviour and Attendance
- Pupils with high self-esteem and confidence
- Pupils who are aware of and practice self-compassion strategies
- Pupils who have a say in what happens at school
- Fewer disaffected pupils, disengaged from learning
- Improved behaviour and attendance
- Less friendship issues and bullying
Staff Confidence and Development
- Improved morale
- Low absenteeism
- Better recruitment levels
- Positive and effective relationships with pupils and other staff