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Great Binfields Primary School home page

Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

How can you help?


Any parent or carer can join the committee. We are always looking for new fundraising ideas, so come along to the AGM  and join. Our events couldn't run without volunteers giving their time to help for 30 mins on a stall at a fair, or at a disco event. So if you can help in this way please let us know. 


Support our events

We understand that not everyone is able to help at events, so just buying a ticket to a disco, baking a cake for the cake sales or coming along to our events is a great support.


Match funding

Match funding is another way you can help us. FOGB is a registered charity and as such, some companies and employers will match any money raised at a charity event. Match funding has been an incredible boost to our fundraising efforts, so please check if the company you work for has a scheme or can start one. 


Easy fundraising and Amazon Smile

FOGB are registered for both of these cash back schemes, so next time you are making an online purchase, please consider going through ones of these on line platforms. It costs you nothing and raises money for school. Please pass this on to family and friends as they can help too. or download the free app    or  search Amazon Smile in your Amazon App and select Friends Of Great Binfields  as your preferred charity.