Keeping Safe Online
Screen time: How to keep your child safe this summer
A parent's guide to social media
What parents/carers need to know about YouTube
At GBP our e-safety curriculum is at the heart of our Computing sessions. We are regularly reminded about how to stay safe online, including in: PSHE/Jigsaw lessons, Computing lessons and e-safety assemblies. We also partake in Safer Internet Day in February each year where we partake in a variety of activities associated with staying safe online. In our assemblies we have been thinking about the importance of using the Internet the internet safely.
We would encourage you to watch Becky's story - and we have included the link below. The clip has been made by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre and contains some very valuable lessons about what happens when we share information about ourselves on the Internet. Remember: what digital footprint are you leaving?
It is important to remember that social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook are NOT designed for young children and have minimum age limits of 13. There are several websites that can offer advice to parents including the NCPCC site (Search for: NSPCC & internet safety)
There are some further links below to help you to keep your children safe when they are online. This website - - is particularly informative.
Every blue link below is a free resource to help everyone stay safe online. Please click and browse through the information they give. Also below is a pdf copy of the power point shared in our latest E-Safety workshop for parents.
Digital Parenting This Vodafone digital parenting guide provides fantastic advice for helping you teach your children how to protect themselves online.
Hector's World Hector is a dolphin who floats onscreen. Pupils can click on him to cover the screen if they see something they think is unsuitable. You can download it for your home computer on this link.
Think You Know 'Think you know' is a website created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre which has a range of games, videos and resources that teach children how to be safe online.
How to stay safe - advice for children and parents
GBP's Online Safety Tips
Setting parental controls for your home broadband is the easiest way to filter and restrict inappropriate websites on any device connected to your home wifi. Making sure your children's devices are set up safely will help you to make sure they get the best out of their device. The website has some great advice, simple instructions and helpful tips on just about every device, wifi provider and games console to help you keep your children safe at home.
We have added a few of their really helpful guides below but clicking on the link will give you access to all the resources that you need. We really can't rate their site enough!