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Great Binfields Primary School home page

Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Annual Harvest Festival

On Thursday 29 September we are walking to St Mary's Church in Old Basing for our annual Harvest Festival Celebration. Our children will be giving thanks for the food that we receive and thinking about everyone involved in ensuring we have lovely food to eat. We also spend time thinking about those people who do not have enough food both in our own country as well as around the world. 


If you are able to help supervise our children whilst walking to and from the church on that afternoon please contact either your child's class teacher or the office staff as we need some additional adults to walk with the children.


We will be leaving school at 1.00pm so you would need to be in school by 12.50pm.  We aim to be back in school by 3.15pm.

Thank you