Bad Weather Forecast
Dear Parents
As you would have seen from the weather forecast, this afternoon we are predicted to get a huge dump of snow. We will of course endeavour to open if we feel that it is safe for our children, and of course our staff, to travel to work safely. You know me well enough by now that I won't make any hasty decisions but I will try to contact you as early as possible if we are unable to open.
Please refer to our letter we sent out before Christmas and we have a section on our website under Parents/Emergency Closure Information.
If school is open please ensure your children come to school in wellie boots with their school shoes in their bags. Our staff will be ready to play with them first thing. Of course the children can throw snowballs and make snowmen etc as long as they understand that we shouldn't throw ice. Our staff will be reminding children about this but if you could also talk about safe practices that would be appreciated too.
Miss Rogers