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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Celebrating Diversity Reading and Writing Week

This week has been 'Celebrating Diversity Reading and Writing Week' at Great Binfields. We started the week with an assembly all about diversity - we recapped on what this means and why it is important to celebrate diversity.


Then, throughout the week, each year phase have looked  a different text linking to a different area of diversity as listed below:


EYFS – (Gender) – ‘Pink is for Boys’ by Robb Pearlman

Year 1 and Year 2- (Disabilities) – ‘What Happened to You?’ By James Catchpole

Year 3 and 4 – (Race) – ‘Sulwe’ by Lupita Nyong’o

Year 5 and 6 – (Travellers) – ‘Yokki and the Parno Gry’ by Richard O’Neill


From these texts, the children then took part in a variety of activities including Reading, Writing and other curriculum areas too. As well as this, World Book Day was celebrated on Thursday 3rd March. The children came into school dressed in their pyjamas and took part in World Book Day themed learning. They also enjoyed a bed time story, hot chocolate and marshmallows with their class teacher at the end of the day.


Take a look at the photos to see what we have been up to...