Early Years Visit Hillier Gardens
Today was another extremely exciting day for everyone in Early Years, it was our end of year school trip. This year we visited the fantastic Hillier Gardens in Romsey. The children arrived excitedly to school and were very eager to get on the coach and set for our day full of adventure. Once we arrived at Hillier Gardens, we were greeted by members of staff who would be spending the day with us. The children got to explore the stunning gardens, looking at the wonderful flowers, trees and sculptures. The children also participated in a variety of activities; using nets to catch mini beasts, (the most popular catch being the Green Capsid), working in teams to build shelters and pond dipping. Everyone also got to visit the enormous pond which was full of life, including a massive koi and lots of caterpillars on the fence around it. We went on a nature walk where we saw lots of bumble bees who were drinking the nectar from the flowers. A highlight for lots of us was going through the bamboo tunnel and walking over the wobbly bridge. We were fortunate enough to be able to see some moths up close, some of which were huge, such as the privet hawk moth, and many others that were beautifully coloured.
A super day was had by all and we even got to meet the resident cat!
Your child will be bringing home a leaflet all about Hillier Gardens this week, which contains a discount voucher. It is a super place which is definitely worth visiting, if you have the chance.