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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Hotel Chocolat update

The children of Y4 have been working so hard in History and Geography this half term answering the question 'How has chocolate changed our world?'. We have looked at who is involved in the chocolate industry, the jobs it creates and the staggering amount of money that is generated. We have also looked at the countries that produce the most cocoa beans and thought about what it is about their climate that allows this to happen. We have also delved into ancient Maya and Aztec civilisations and explored how they perceived and even worshipped the cocoa bean! And of course, we have looked at how chocolate is made and shipped around the world. 


Having done all of this, the children created posters to showcase their learning. These are now up in Hotel Chocolat (Festival Place). The store owner was so impressed that he has created this wonderful display that he is going to rotate daily to include all the posters we gave as well as having additional copies for the customers to take away whilst they shop. He said the quality of work is fantastic and would like to repay the hard work by coming in to do a talk with Y4 and ... most importantly ... a chocolate tasting session!


We are very proud of what the children have created and their work will be displayed proudly in Hotel Chocolat (Festival Place) from Monday 14th - Sunday 20th October (possibly a bit longer). Please do pop in and have a look if you are nearby. We know the customers of Basingstoke will be learning lots as a result of your posters.