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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Parking News

The Management Committee at the Chineham Centre has today erected bollards from the Long Stay Car park to the unofficial path to the play park as they have deemed that path unsafe to use.


From today parents have permission to use the South Car Park and then use the footpath from there to school.  This is a tarmac path which is very suitable for pushchairs and all pedestrians and we are very grateful to the Chineham Centre for allowing us to use this area for parents to park.  It may take time for the traffic wardens to realise parents are parking there to walk to school, so if you should  happen to be issued with a parking ticket please bring this into school and we will have it cancelled for you.


However, please note you are only allowed to park and then leave the site between 8.30am - 9.15am and then from 2.45pm - 3.30pm. 


If you leave the site outwith these time slots you are liable to receive a ticket and we will not be able to have this cancelled.  This arrangement only applies to the South Car Park.


If you would like to display a sign showing you are walking to school we will be happy to provide this for you.  Please contact the school office staff for this.

I would ask all parents to try to use this facility where possible. It is only takes a few minutes to walk along the footpath and it will make our school much safer if fewer people try to park in Binfields Farm Lane.

Kind regards

Mrs Worgan