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Great Binfields Primary School home page

Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

School Meals Update

Dear Everyone,

I hope you are all well and that your children feel rested and now excited about returning to school.

We have over the summer break, had our final 2 phases of building works to make us into a fully fledged 2 form entry primary school. The two temporary classrooms have been removed and our main school kitchen has been extended. Mr Quilter, Mrs Worgan and I have been on tender-hooks for the past three weeks as there has been various problems during the kitchen upgrade and as a result the deadline for the contractors to finish has been stretched week on week which has been highly frustrating for us. Hampshire Property Management Services have been very apologetic on the contractors behalf but unfortunately this does mean that our kitchen is not operational for Monday and Tuesday of next week.

So the plan is as follows:

Monday 4th September - another local school is cooking our school meals for us as they are on Inset Day themselves. So tomorrow the children will be choosing from the normal HC3S menu. . These meals will be shipped in to our school.

Tuesday 5th September - as all schools in the east of Basingstoke are back for the start of term, we will have to have a packed lunch option instead. Children can choose from tuna or cheese lunch bags. They will need to tell their teacher their choice tomorrow morning so orders can be processed before the end of the school day. If your child does not like these two options then you will have to unfortunately provide your child with a packed lunch for this day. Sorry if the latter is the case but we only have the two options open to us.

I have been promised that everything will be certified and operational by Tuesday PM. I hope they keep this promise but I will of course let you know if anything changes as soon as I know. If you do not hear from us - everything has gone to plan.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Gates open at 8.30am and our teaching staff will be greeting you at their classroom doors from 8.40 sharp through to 8.50am.

I am so sorry that this has happened at the start of a new year but I hope that you can work with us over the next couple of days...we will then be free of extension building work forever - yippee!!

Kind regards,

Jules Rogers
