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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Show Racism the Red Card workshops

Today Years 4, 5 and 6 all took part in Show Racism the Red Card workshops. The aims of the workshops were:

  • To educate young people about the causes and consequences of racism and to explore the various forms racism can take.

  • To empower young people to challenge racism in the communities in which they live, providing them with relevant knowledge and information to enable them to do this.

  • To help young people prepare to play an active role as citizens in an increasingly multi-cultural society.

  • To enable young people to develop good relationships and respect the differences between people, regardless of their ethnicity, faith, culture or nationality.


The children got a huge amount from the sessions and gave many thoughtful contributions. It gave them a safe forum to have discussions and ask questions that they may not usually feel as confident about. The children were very engaged and we were really proud of their attitudes towards the sensitive topics being discussed.