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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

WW2 day - quick, that's the air raid siren!

Year 6 had an excellent World War Two themed day today. They started the day by filling out an identity card, which they had to keep on them at all times (just in case anyone thought they were a secret spy!). Following this, they took part in a variety of activities such as: sewing, cooking homemade blackberry and apple pies, medal making, gardening and army drills. For lots of children, the highlight of the day was spending time in our brand new Anderson Shelter! The children were able to empathise with how civilians would have felt during WWII when the air raid siren would sound. We also looked at propaganda posters and analysed some of the key messages the government were trying to encourage back at the Homefront. What do you think the true meaning behind the slogan 'Keep it under your hat' is?


Take a look at our photos to see what we got up to...