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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Y4 Treehouse Theatre

This week, Y4 have had a brilliant time enjoying a themed day all around the Celts and Romans. We are feeling incredibly grateful the have Ben from the Tree House Theatre come into school and do the play in a day 'The Romans are Coming!'. We have missed these opportunities over the last year and this was exactly what we needed. We are always so, so impressed by Ben's talents and his wonderful flair for story telling and Tuesday was no different. The children were truly in awe of him and were so engaged with the story. We learnt lots along the way whilst we challenged our expressive and dramatic skills. A huge thank you to Ben for sharing this experience with us.


Whilst not in the hall, the children got to free choice their way around a series of stations. One station was using their 'cut, stick and stitch' skills to create a Roman inspired shield (what brilliant sewers you are!). Another was to create a Roman mosaic. At another station we read about the Roman Gods and Goddesses - we were surprised to see some similarities with the Greeks. Hmmm interesting! We worked on our Roman numerals, drew Celtic woad patterns on our faces and had time to share our learning with friends. 


The adults in Y4 enjoyed Tuesday as much as the children and this was all down to the hugely enthusiastic nature of Ash and Pine Class. A wonderful day of learning had by all!