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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 2 take a trip to Tesco

Year 2 enjoyed their recent trip to Tesco on Wednesday. This was part of their 'Food to Fuel' programme linked to the upcoming Olympics. Children found out a little bit of information about the Olympics and number of countries that participate. Did you know that 206 countries are expected to be there? This was a surprise to us!


The first task was to find foods from around the world, checking the labelling carefully to find this information. We were then given the task of finding out about what is in our food and what foods athletes might eat in order to keep them fit and help them train. We looked for nutritional information on the packaging this time, investigating our food groups we have previously learnt about.


Finally, we were invited into the training room where we had to design our own healthy drinks. We were given a variety of fruit and herbs to add to still or sparkling water. These included lemon, lime and mint. After making our drinks we then tasted and rated them according to strength and whether or not we liked them...we agreed that some concoctions were tastier than others! We then thought carefully about the food groups we need to keep us healthy and used this information to make a food face! Have a look at the pictures below to see what you think!