Year 4 field work study
This afternoon, Y4 had a very exciting Geography session out and about on our school grounds. Miss Crossley, our Thematic lead, inspired us to get out and complete some field work so it was time to put our knowledge to the test. Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about the key aspects of earthquakes. Thankfully, earthquakes don't happen in this part of the world and we don't experience too 'extreme' natural hazards, however we decided to do a risk assessment of our school grounds to see which areas were the riskiest IF we were in a location that was prone to earthquakes.
We had to think carefully about exit routes, things falling, obstacles and further hazards that could be caused because of the quakes. Ash investigated Ash Class, the EYFS outdoor area, Y6 outdoor area and the staffroom. Pine investigated Pine Class, the adventure trail and the woodland. There were risks in each (particularly the amount of electrical cables in the staffroom) and the children worked carefully to think of the danger that might be posed in each area.
As you can see by the pictures, we took this risk assessment role very seriously!