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Great Binfields
Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving Forever

Year 4 - Home Learning Project

Ash and Pine Class have just completed a two week home learning project, centred around researching an element of our new topic 'Extreme Earth'. They could focus on a weather type, an extreme landscape or landmark, a natural hazard, a human caused hazard ... anything that links to our topic! We encouraged the children to use a range of research opportunities and really get into what they wanted to present. 


We were blown away today as the home learning came in. We had posters, flash cards, models, cakes, Lego, leaflets and more. It was clear that everyone had chosen something that they were interested in finding more about. What was also clear was the hard work and enthusiasm that had created such wonderful learning. It was nice to see how everyone had taken the project in different directions. 


This afternoon we did class swaps as the children got to explore their classroom museums and ask each other questions. Lots of children and adults in school have been walking past marvelling at some of the pieces. I know Miss Rogers was particularly impressed with the content of what had been shared. Well done Year Four.