Year 5 and 6 Viking Day
Today the Year 5 and 6 children, teachers and LSAs were transformed into Vicious Vikings! They enjoyed a fun filled morning of: jewellery making, longboat and weapon construction and cookery.
This was followed by a huge battle on the field in the afternoon (girls against boys.) Much to the boys' disappointment, the girls' army outnumbered theirs and as a result, the girls were victorious!
After a gruelling battle, the children then ventured into the woods where their stew had been cooking all day. They enjoyed sampling the stew and listening to a Viking story before home time. A great day was had by all! A big thank you to Mr Wood and his wife Helen for organising the outdoor cooking equipment and fire. A huge thank you to Mrs Chestnutt too for coming in to help with the cooking! Take a look at some of the photos!