Year 6 Treehouse Theatre - Children on the Home Front
Our Year 6 children had a wonderful time performing a WWII themed 'play in a day' with Ben from the Treehouse Theatre Company on Monday. The play focussed on the role of everyday civilians who contributed to the war effort whilst at home. The children were able to empathise beautifully with a variety of characters and took their roles very seriously, which included soldiers, evacuees, shopkeepers and land army girls. We were impressed with how confidently the children delivered their lines and how they were able to demonstrate a good understanding of WW2 by providing facts that they have already learnt so far this term.
Ben worked incredibly hard to adapt the play where necessary due to the current circumstances but nonetheless, the children were utterly absorbed in each of their focussed drama workshops. In previous years, we would gather the children together in the hall during the afternoon session to watch the play performed live by the children. However, a wonderful unexpected benefit is that we actually filmed the different workshops instead. We now have a copy of each of the drama sessions and the children are looking forward to watching it all put back together next week.
Take a look at the photos to see your children in action…