Art Festival Week at GBP - The Great Bristish Woodland
Today was the launch day of our first ever Art Festival week, which we hope will be an annual event. This year the theme is The Great British Woodland which fits in beautifully with our class names, our woodland etc of course!!
The children have been so busy, created some fantastic art pieces and have been a credit to themselves as they have worked in other classrooms so, so well. The children have experienced different mediums of art such as printing, painting, weaving, textiles and collage today by visiting different classrooms which have been set up as individual studios. The children have very much developed their art skills as well as some other key skills too, such as cooperation and resilience.
‘I loved my weaving today – I like art’ said Hafi from EYFS.
Later on in the week, some children will experience sculpture, up-cycling a piece of furniture, photography and cake decorating plus lots more - all with a woodland theme of course!! Keep in touch about what the children create by reading Latest News each day.